Monday, 13 March 2023

MPhil Thesis - Love, Policy and Professionalism:The Early Learning and Childcare Lead Professional

 I was awarded a Master of Philosophy for my research project in November 2022. While I am disappointed it wasn't a doctorate, I am happy that it was noted that I had added new knowledge to existing knowledge. I didn't quite meet the technical requirements required by the external examiner. I am however happy that my work is finally out there and practitioners will have another viewpoint to consider when thinking about love in early learning and childcare practice. 

I am keen that others get excited about love in ELC and while I had an experience that was less than encouraging I am happy for future students to take my work and build on it. Ultimately it is about children experiencing love and practitioners feeling comfortable about sharing love with the children they work with. All I ask is that if you use anything from my thesis, you reference it. 

I hope you come away feeling a little more in love with the children you work with.

S0458777 MPhil Thesis Nov 2022 (3) 

(there may be formatting issues when you open the document but all the content is there).

MPhil Thesis - Love, Policy and Professionalism:The Early Learning and Childcare Lead Professional

 I was awarded a Master of Philosophy for my research project in November 2022. While I am disappointed it wasn't a doctorate, I am happ...