Monday, 31 October 2022

Testimony from Lynn Taylor, Realising the Ambition, Education Scotland.

Realising the Ambition: Being Me

It was vital that Realising the Ambition: Being Me (RtA) was based on research, evidence, current thinking and voices from practice. Jane Malcolm's work on the importance of love in education was something we (the writers of RtA) were aware of and inspired by.

We (Lynn Taylor and Marion Burns) heard Jane speak at a number of research events and as such it added weight and justification to the inclusion of the concept of love within the national practice guidance for early years in Scotland.

MPhil Thesis - Love, Policy and Professionalism:The Early Learning and Childcare Lead Professional

 I was awarded a Master of Philosophy for my research project in November 2022. While I am disappointed it wasn't a doctorate, I am happ...