Thursday, 9 May 2019

Thesis submission and lollypops!

On a beautiful Thursday afternoon in April (18th) I headed up to the College office at the George Square campus of the University of Edinburgh to hand in my PhD thesis. People say things like "five long years...." but it hasn't felt like long years, they have whizzed in and I will be sad to see it finish. However, it was brilliant handing my thesis in.

I went into the office and asked the woman in the office how I went about handing it in. "just give it to me" she said and then she just took it and put it to the side of her desk. She must have seen my "is that it" face and she asked if I would like a receipt. Eagerly I replied I would, something told me she has seen that face many times! And then she produced a big box and said "well done, you have earned yourself a lollipop!". She asked what colour I wanted, then she looked at the title of my thesis and said "aww love, well it has to be a red one doesn't it".

So that was that, thesis finally submitted. I am very,
proud of myself.

MPhil Thesis - Love, Policy and Professionalism:The Early Learning and Childcare Lead Professional

 I was awarded a Master of Philosophy for my research project in November 2022. While I am disappointed it wasn't a doctorate, I am happ...